Type Goods

Ro →
Broșură specimen de litere ce prezintă fonturile OTC Eugen, OTC Ecaterina, OTC Mara, OTC Fat Cats, OTC Laszlo, OTC Escu, OTC Hitomi34, OTC Riga, OTC Monoblocks, OTC Pebbles, OTC Meridian Zero, și OTC Oituz împreună cu familiile de caractere disponibile aferente, dezvoltate de Andrei Ogradă. 

En →
Type specimen booklet showing the fonts OTC Eugen, OTC Ecaterina, OTC Mara, OTC Fat Cats, OTC Laszlo, OTC Escu, OTC Hitomi34, OTC Riga, OTC Monoblocks, OTC Pebbles, OTC Meridian Zero, and OTC Oituz along with their available character families, developed by Andrei Ogradă.
Designer de specimen: Andrei Ogradă
Dimensiuni: 148 x 210 mm (A5)
Pagini: 36
Hârtie: Pop'set, Lime Tonic, 240g/m2 (98 exemplare) și Pop'set, Californian Blue, 240g/m2 (12 exemplare)
Culori: CMYK negru
Publicat: Septembrie 2022

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Probably the most decent way to dress in all caps.

Summer is over! Yet you can still be under the Sun, and there might still be bright days ahead. We propose you to take good care of yourself and enjoy such times by wearing a t-shirt that will remind you of them.

Campaign over at Everpress → ︎ ︎

It’s gonna be alright—custom lettering.
This t-shirt is about sharing a message of positive reassurance whenever the ocasion calls for. Best to wear whenever.

Get it at Printoteca → ︎ ︎

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Ograda Type Company SRL
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